Here's what went on in February...
So here's a memerable photo of me and
three of my sisters who are pregant too.
I'm due April 4; Heidi is due April 12;
Karen is due April 25; and Heather is due June 5.
And none of us know the sex of our babies.
We'll just have to wait and see.
It was called "Use Your Imagination".
She is in the third row from the bottom on the right end side.
She is the camper in the brown shirt.
On Feb 13 we went to a Balmoral Ward get-to-gether.
It was a blast...we missed all those who couldn't make it!
On Feb 24 we had the boys Blue and Gold Banquet
for Cub-Scouts. The theme was Dinosaurs.
This is Bentley & Jarom showing off the masks
they had made for this occasion.
They had the boys make dinosaurs out of potatoes.
Jarom is the one in the yellow neckerchief.
And here is Bentley making his potato dinosaur.
Well that about does it for now...
We have about three more weeks to go
before we this baby - whoppee!!

It was a blast...we missed all those who couldn't make it!
for Cub-Scouts. The theme was Dinosaurs.
This is Bentley & Jarom showing off the masks
they had made for this occasion.
Jarom is the one in the yellow neckerchief.
Well that about does it for now...
We have about three more weeks to go
before we this baby - whoppee!!